Part of living the Life is getting off the bench and into the game. How can you reach out to others in practical ways right now with the specific talents, gifts, and abilities God has given you? There are tons of great opportunities to serve—and make a real impact—at Harvest. And don’t try to tell us that you don’t really have anything to offer. We know that’s not true.
And an amazing two-for-one thing happens when you step up to serve. First, you make an impact on others, sharing the Life of Christ with them. Second, you are changed as you see the Life of Jesus flowing through you. That’s two-for-one.
To learn more about how God has uniquely SHAPEd you to serve, click here.
Opportunities at your campus:
- Administration (office and reception)
- Growth Classes (teaching, discipleship, leadership development)
- Facilities (setup, tear down, custodial, snow removal and building maintenance)
- Global Outreach (Ethiopia Hope)
- Guest Services (coffee kiosks, info center, guest central, greeter, usher, parking, front line greeter)
- Kids Ministry (Birth - 6th Grade)(Caregivers, Small Group Leaders, Large Group Leaders, Worship Leaders, Technical Team, Greeter, Administration)
- Biblical Counseling (Biblical counsel, marriage mentors)
- Small Groups (hosting or leading a small group, Hospitality Team, Administration, Photographer)
- Local Outreach (community events, evangelism, local ministries)
- Worship Arts (band, vocals)
- Prayer (10 am on Saturdays in thet Worship Center and during weekend services)
- Technical Arts (weekend service production, media production)
- Rift Student Ministry
- Administration (office and reception)
- Growth Classes (teaching, discipleship, leadership development)
- Facilities (setup, tear down, custodial and building maintenance)
- Global Outreach (Ethiopia Hope)
- Guest Services (cafe, info center, greeter, usher and parking)
- Kids Ministry
- Biblical Counseling (Biblical counsel, marriage mentors, Divorce Care)
- Small Group (hosting or leading a small group)
- Local Outreach (community events, evangelism, local ministries)
- Worship Arts (band and vocals)
- Prayer (weekend service and midweek)
- Technical Arts (weekend service production, media productions, IT)
- Rift Student Ministry
- Administration (office and ongoing administrative tasks)
- Roady Crew
- Global Outreach (Ethiopia Hope)
- Guest Services (coffee kiosks, info center, guest central, greeter, usher, parking, VHQ)
- Kids Ministry (Birth - Elementary)
- Biblical Counseling (Biblical counsel, marriage mentors)
- Small Group (hosting or leading a small group)
- Worship Arts (band and vocals)
- Prayer
- Technical Arts (weekend service production, media production, IT)
- Rift Student Ministry
- Administration (office and reception)
- Facilities (setup, tear down, custodial and building maintenance)
- Global Outreach (Ethiopia Hope)
- Guest Services (coffee, info center, greeter/usher)
- Kids Ministry
- Biblical counseling
- Small Group (hosting or leading a small group)
- Local Outreach (community events, evangelism, local ministries)
- Prayer (weekend services and midweek)
- Technical Arts (weekend service production, media production, IT)
- Rift Student Ministry
- Please select a campus from the Campus Select bar at the top of the page to view service opportunities for your campus.
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