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Why Trek^

Trek^: a journey, especially one involving difficulty or hardship.

From the day a child enters this world they are on a journey. This journey will inevitably have hardship and struggles. We believe that it is the job of the Church to partner with parents to help them navigate this amazing journey God design for each child.

Deuteronomy 11:22

If you carefully observe all these commands I am giving you to follow—to love the LORD your God, to walk in obedience to him and to hold fast to him—
How do we do this?

How do we do this?

At Harvest, we believe every child needs 5 things:

A BIG GOD: There is a really BIG GOD that they can trust no matter what.
SOMEONE ELSE: It is important for children to hang out with children they can have fun with that believe what they believe.
ANOTHER VOICE: (in addition to their parent) Sometimes a child can hear another adult say something a parent has been saying for years and all of a sudden the child is truly hearing it for the first time.
NOSEY PARENTS: Nosey parents make it their business to know where their children are spiritually.
UNCOMMON SENSE: You have to be “counter cultural”. Be willing to go against the grain. The world will push our children one way and God challenges us to make WISE CHOICES and that takes Uncommon Sense.


Your curious and creative child has a safe, nurturing place to experience and learn about the love God has for them from passionate, caring Trek^ workers. Our goal is that when children leave, they will grasp these three promises of God:

  • God loves me.
  • God made me.
  • Jesus wants to be my friend forever.

A class for your precious child is offered
during each of the weekend worship



Trek^ strives to inspire Pre-Schoolers to live life as though Jesus were living through them by nurturing wonder. We want to connect with children ages three through five in a fun and age appropriate way. To accomplish this mission we engage your child in a large group time of teaching and worship as well as a small group environment with games, crafts and engaging activities.

A class is offered for you Pre-School child during each of the weekend worship services.



Trek^ strives to inspire Elementary students to live life as though Jesus were living through them by encouraging discovery. This is accomplished each weekend with engaging large group gathering for worship and teaching from the Bible, followed by a more personal small group time with caring leaders and children their same age. The small group time allows children to build quality friendships. We want Trek^ to be a place your child can understand and embrace the following basic truths:

  1. I need to make the WISE choice.
  2. I can TRUST GOD no matter what.
  3. I should treat OTHERS the way I want to be treated.

A class is offered for your elementary aged child during each of the weekend worship services.

5th & Up

At our Heights campus we offer
a class specifically designed for 5th
and 6th graders. They will have a connect
time in their room with games, music and crafts.
The first week of the month we will introduce them to
the virtue of the month. The second week they will have a
lesson taught by one of our Crux^ (Student Ministry) leaders. The third and fourth weeks we will help them to learn they have a place in God’s kingdom while they help lead and serve in our Elementary environment.

This class is offered for 5th and 6th graders during each of the weekend worship services at the Heights campus. They will start and finish in their own classroom on the 3rd floor (room 224/225).

5th & Up

Parent Resources

Parent Cue App - Launching October 1st

The Parent Cue app offers resources for those every day moments that happen away from home:

  • Drive Time offers weekly videos retelling Bible stories and music that you and your kid will love.
  • Hang Time gives weekly activities your family will enjoy and fun monthly videos.
  • Meal Time provides discussion starters for children and parents to help you take conversations a bit deeper.
  • Parent Time is full of insight, information, and encouragement just for parents.

All of the content on the Parent Cue app lines up with the Trek^ lessons they are already going through at church, allowing you as parents to continue the conversation all week long. You can also receive a daily push notification that reminds you to use their Parent Cue and connect with your children. So, go to the Apple App Store or Android Market and pick up your Parent Cue for only $1.99.


If you are looking for a place you feel safe letting your kid roam on the Internet then you may want to look into studio252. This is a place both you and your child can go to learn more about the monthly virtue and the weekly bible story they have learned at Trek^. This is a subscription based site and cost $7 per month. I encourage you to check it out and see if it is something that would help your family.

Plugged In

Ever want to know if you should take your child to see a certain movie? Is that video game ok? Here is a great resource to help you evaluate movies, music and games.

Take 10

Take 10 Cards are for you to take home and spend approximately 10 minutes reviewing what your child learned at Trek^ this week. Put it on your refrigerator door or somewhere you will be reminded to ask your child what they learned this week at church. Each Take 10 will have the month’s virtue and memory verse. It will also have a question, review and/or activity for your family to do that week.

So pick up your Take 10 card this week at Trek^.


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