Ethiopia Hope
A huge part of living the Life of Jesus is to think beyond ourselves, to open our eyes to the needs in our community and our world...and then do something about them! One of the main ways we do this is through our Ethiopia Hope program.
Our goal is to help relieve the suffering of over four million orphans in Ethiopia through humanitarian efforts and adoption to Christian families.
Orphanages and aide organizations are overwhelmed by the numbers of children needing help. While they help as many as they can, large numbers of orphans are left to survive on the streets. Estimations show there are 250,000 homeless orphans on the streets of the capital city alone! Children in Ethiopia are vulnerable to many dangers, including starvation, disease, human trafficking (e.g. sex slave trade), rape and other hazards of street life.
Ethiopia Hope's efforts to build God's Kingdom has three branches:
Adoption - Helping families grow through adoption of orphans from Ethiopia.
Mission Trips - Projects to bring resources to existing organizations that help orphans.
Child Sponsorships - Harvest has developed partnerships with organizations and churches in Ethiopia to sponsor children and give them hope.