

Church has become increasingly irrelevant to people’s lives. The reality is that if people think the church is irrelevant to their lives, but the message of the church actually saves lives! The problem then is not the message, but how churches have failed in expressing and modeling the message of eternal Life.

At Harvest, our expression of this Life should be so relevant and tangible in its service and contribution to the community and one another that even the most ardent critic of Christianity would be bummed if we ceased to exist.

You see, Jesus came and said the Kingdom of God/Heaven has come, is at hand, and is here, is near, is within you, and is all around you (Mark 1:9-15). Eternal Life, the highest quality of Life which includes, of course, immortality, is now available to us within the always present leadership and authority of God. Jesus came to show us the kind of Life for which we were made. He did that by meeting our needs and working through our deeds.

The Kingdom we bring, then, is the ethics, morals, and Lifestyle of Jesus. It is living Life as though Jesus were living through you. It is the gracious rule and reign of God in our hearts (“boss”) and therefore the gracious rule and reign of God in every sphere in which we find ourselves.  Our mission at Harvest is about:               

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