Small Group Leadership Resources
Small Group Interest
What is a Small Group?
A Small Group is typically made up of four to twelve people who meet regularly during the week to share about their lives, support one another, study biblical truths, and plan community service projects. Each Small Group is lead by a trained leader. Small Groups meet in a number of locations including coffee shops, restaurants, the church, work places, but most typically meet in homes. Most Small Groups meet weekly during evening hours, but some meet bi-weekly and some meet in the morning or afternoon. Our goal is to accommodate the different needs of those in our church by offering a variety of options.
Why Small Groups?
Small Groups at Harvest Church exist to provide a small community of people with an intent to help, support, and encourage others to take next steps in their journey to become a completely committed Christ follower. You may be doing great in your Christian walk but by being in relationship with other Christ followers, you will experience even more of the abundant life Jesus has to offer. Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 says, "Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: if one falls down, his friend can help him up."
If you're ready to connect with other people, belong to something life-changing, and grow in Christ through relationships with other Christ followers, then maybe it's time to get involved in a Small Group!
Why you need to be in a Small Group.
Small Groups are a place where we can "do life together." We encourage, support and challenge each other to grow in relationship with God and others. A Small Group is:
A place to Learn
Life-change and growth happens best in Small Groups as we unpack the bible or other bible-based curriculum together and discuss real life, personal application.
A place to Serve
We grow when we serve. Small Groups serve our community together and encourage each other to serve in our church.
A place to Belong
We were created to connect relationally! If you only attend a weekend service, it can be difficult to get plugged in or find a place to belong. A Small Group is the place to intentionally form relationships which over time become a close-knit family as you join with others to “do life together.”
What do Small Groups do? You know you're curious!
This can vary from group to group, but most groups have a time of fellowship (maybe a snack or a meal), prayer, Bible or book study and discussion with life application. Not all groups study the same thing. Some discuss the weekend message by using our online Small Group Questions, some read and study books about Christian living, and others study books of the Bible.??
We also encourage our Small Groups to serve the community together by getting involved in our all-church outreach events or discovering other ways to serve our community as a Small Group. It's amazing what God can do through a group of people as they use their skills, gifts and resources to help those in need.
Finding a good group match!
Click on "Find a Group" below and then browse all the groups. Once you have found a group you're interested in, click the link to email the leader. A form will ask you to enter your email address, name, & phone. There's also an area to ask any questions that you may have about the group. The leader will contact you within 48 hours. If for any reason you dont hear back from the leader, please feel free to contact the with your concern.