Leadership Training (Harvest 201)

Leadership Training

Leadership Training will return January 2011

About Leadership Training

A Bible Institute where the Christ follower can learn the content of the Bible and how to study it for themselves in a way that equips them for greater influence.The HILT student can earn a Certificate of Biblical Studies over a two-year period or take classes for personal growth.

Harvest Institute is designed to equip three groups: 1) Christ followers who want to understand the big-picture of the Bible and how to study it for themselves. 2) Those serving and leading in Church ministries and would like to be more effective in making a Kingdom impact. Those interested in becoming part of a Satellite Church or Church Plant leadership team.

Class Overview

Old Testament Survey

The foundation of the God's plan for the world and people is in this older covenant. The student will discover the theme of the Bible and of the Old Testament and how each book contributes to that theme. Throughout the class the student will write an overview paper of the foundational book of Genesis.

New Testament Survey

The fulfillment of God's plan is shown in the newer covenant. The student will discover the theme of the New Testament and how each book contributes to that theme. Throughout the class the student will write an overview paper on one of the Gospels.

How to Study the Bible

One of the tasks of the Christ follower is to understand the meaning of the Bible and each book within it. This class will unpack the Inductive Method of Bible study moving from observation, interpretation, application and communication.

Bible Places

God chose to communicate His word through a culture and place. The student will discover the geographical progression of God's story and how the place a biblical story happens helps to understand the meaning of the message.

Church History

From the birth of the Church in the book of Acts until today, the word of God is illuminated in the growth of His community. The student will discover how the Church impacted its world and the lessons learned in the process.


Discover a biblical approach to understanding God's desire for how the Christ follower should determine right from wrong. How do we determine right and wrong and when there may be a greater good and a lesser good.

Bible Themes (Systematic Theology)

This class will look at Bible themes and how the bible develops them from beginning to end. The student will learn how to develop a biblical theme and practice that method in a paper.

Church Leadership

Taught by Harvest Lead Pastor, Vern Streeter, the student will discover the character and responsibilities of the leaders in the Church and the world.


These classes will return January 2011

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