Fueling the Vision
Living Life as though Jesus were living through you is never easy. The good news, though, is that we have the power of God’s Spirit flowing inside of us to empower and guide us. We believe that God’s Spirit is leading Harvest Church to pour it on, to expand our impact and ignite a movement of people that are living Life as though Jesus were living through them.
That’s what the FUEL campaign is all about. We’ve identified several key areas where we need to pour it on and we want you to be a part of it.
The video below casts our original $4.2 million vision for FUEL. At this point, we've received pledges in the amount of $2.3 million, which has caused us to list some projects as unfunded or remove them from the Project list completely. We still believe that God is calling us to pursue the $4.2 million vision, but that depends on people like you being inspired to pour it on with us!
Understanding the Fuel Areas of Focus
The Fuel campaign will provide the resources we need to pour it on in three specific areas.
Kids Environments
We will prioritize our kids and their environments in ways we never have before—creating a haven for young families that will inspire our volunteers, our kids, and our communities.
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Campus Launch
We believe the multi-site approach is the solution for rural church challenges in our region, so we will establish a fund to launch our next campus.
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Infrastructure Improvements
We will take specific steps to create better overall environments to worship, grow, and serve at each campus.
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By focusing in these areas, we’ll ignite a new level of change that will sweep across our communities. The total financial goal of the FUEL campaign that will allow us to complete all of the FUEL projects is $4 million. Learn about our Progress here.