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our Model for growing people into Completely Committed Christ-Followers equip those who do.   

Harvest  Church is all about...

                 Growing people into completely committed Christ-followers

        This simple purpose, along with the following seven "core values", is what we are all about.

Prayer is Priority One...
So We Pray Together.

We Grow Through Community...
So we reach in together.

God is the Best...
So we authentically and relevantly worship together.

Christ served us...
So we serve others together.

The Bible is God's Word for Today...
So we learn and apply it together.

God is Perfect...
So we pursue excellence together

We love people...
So we reach out together.


Our Beliefs:

  We believe...that the Bible is the verbally inspired Word of God and without mistakes as originally written. It is the complete revelation of His will for salvation and the only unfailing rule of faith and practice for the Christian life.

  We one God, Creator of all things, eternally existing in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and that these three are co-eternal and of equal dignity and power

  We the deity of Jesus Christ; His miraculous conception by the Holy Spirit; His virgin birth; His sinless life; His substitutionary death on the cross; His bodily resurrection; His ascension to the right hand of the Father; and His personal, imminent return.

  We believe...that man was created by and for God; that by man's disobeying god, every person incurred spiritual death, which is separation from God, and physical death as a consequence; and that all people are sinners by nature and practice.

  We believe...the Lord Jesus Christ died for our sins and that all who believe in Him are declared righteous because of His sacrificial death and are, therefore, in right relationship with God.

  We the present ministry of the Holy Spirit indwelling all believers and thus enabling and empowering the life and ministry of the believer.

  We the bodily resurrection of everyone who has lived, the everlasting blessedness of those in right relationship with God, and the everlasting punishment of those who have rejected God's forgiveness in His Son.

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